Tag Archives: Star Wars

Song of the Week 17

14 Mar

Hello internet! This week, I have been inspired by this blog by My Mental Stream, and I thought I’d follow his lead by posting the link to one of my favourite a cappella songs about a film series. The song is called John Williams is the Man and it is by MooseButter and lip-synced by Corey Vidal of Apprentice A Studios. And guess what? It’s about one of my fandoms… Star Wars

I absolutely love this song: its humour, its references to the films themselves, the iconic songs and Corey’s facial expressions. And the Wookie noises? Just fabulous! And of course, with it being a cappella, I adore the composition and all the layers and GAH! It’s beautiful, it really is.

I’ll let you decide on your favourite reference, but mine has to be the kiss a wookie, kick a droid part. I love that bit in the film, and I still giggle whenever I re-watch that scene. In fact, I giggle in any scene with R2-D2 and C3PO; their relationship is my favourite in the entire series. And no, I don’t ship them, I appreciate their friendship.

So, here’s the link to the song, listen to it if you haven’t already and let me know what you think, both about the song and what I have said.

May the Force be with you (AAALLLL!) and DFTBA!


A Game of It

11 Mar

Hello internet! First of all, let me just express my utter shock and joy at the response to my last Monday blog! I never knew all of you would be so keen about psychology. It was officially my most popular blog: I had a notification and everything!  Now, on that blog post, I was “tagged” by My Mental Stream to participate in a game of “it”. To be honest, I was pretty relieved: I had absolutely no idea what to blog about! Anyway… as part of this game of “it”, I have to do a few things. They are:

1. Post the rules… (well, I’ve done that already, so that’s one thing ticked off!)
2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you. (I’m gonna be a wuss here… I’ll just post the facts. You don’t wanna see my ugly mug :D)
3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post. (they are below)
4. Create eleven new questions and tag new people to answer them. (see below)
5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged. (You’ll have to wait and see if you get a comment tagging you :D)

OK, so 11 facts about me:

  1. I am a fangirl. A huge one. I would list all of my fandoms, but you’d be here all day. All you need to know is that my main ones are Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Starkid, Glee and Nerdfighteria. You can see the full list in this blog: Too Many Fandoms?
  2. I have the biggest celebrity crush on Darren Criss. He is my Twitter icon, my Facebook icon, my Tumblr icon and my laptop background and screensaver. I actually love him. I think this kinda proves my point about being a fangirl…
  3. I am a gamer. And I don’t mean the cutesy “oooh I’m such a nerd, I play, like, 1 barely violent game once a week. I’m so hard!” gamer girl image, I mean the full-on, swearing at the screen while hacking someone to death with a sword, somewhat scary, female gamer. I freak myself out sometimes with how violent I get…
  4. I am very pedantic. It probably gets on a lot of people’s nerves, but I really cannot help it. I am particularly finicky about spelling and grammar. I often correct my mother’s spelling, and I’ve even started correcting people in French. Like actually looking at French writing and going “well, ambiance is a feminine word, so tranquil should become tranquille.” Yeah, I’m that pedantic.
  5. I am a pacifist. I don’t use violence because violence leads to conflict and conflict leads to war and pain and suffering and, in extreme cases, death. It sounds a bit over the top, but I don’t want to start down that road in case it does get that bad. I think playing violent video games actually helps me to be a pacifist, though my mother doesn’t believe me. If I get all my violence out in another reality where no-one will actually be hurt or killed for real, then it won’t come out when someone could be hurt or killed by my actions.
  6. I bake. A lot. Cakes, cookies, muffins, pies, tarts; all sorts really. I find it very relaxing, and of course, I love the end result. I have a very sweet tooth 🙂
  7. I read. A lot. My favourite books are the Harry Potter series, The Hunger Games series, anything by John Green and Struck By Lightning by Chris Colfer. I am currently reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green. So far, it’s awesome, but I wouldn’t expect anything else from John.
  8. I volunteer twice a week. On Tuesday evenings, I help out at a local Brownies unit, which is extremely rewarding, and on Saturday afternoons, I operate the till at a local charity shop, again very rewarding. You can read more about my volunteering here.
  9. I am an admin on 3 Harry Potter Facebook pages and I love it. When people comment on my statuses, like my pictures, participate in quizzes and give feedback on my fanfictions, I get a real buzz. Plus, I get to talk about my favourite book series whenever I want, which is awesome.
  10. I am going to be starting driving lessons next Wednesday… I’m very nervous about it, as some of my older friends say it’s really difficult to pass the test at the end of it, but I’m also really excited, because if I do pass the test, it’ll be so much easier to get to school and I’ll be able to go out whenever. I’ll probably blog about how it went on the following Monday, so watch this space 🙂
  11.  I “collect” quotes. Whenever I see an awesome quote, I write in down, then later on, I type it up in colour and a fancy font, print it out, cut it to size and then stick it on my wall. I don’t really have a favourite one, so I’ll share this one:

Life is a disease: sexually transmitted and invariably fatal ~Neil Gaiman

That’s the facts done with! On to answering the questions:

  1. If you could slap any one celebrity in the face, who would it be? Justin Bieber. Without a doubt. He just infuriates me: the fame has gone straight to his head and he seems to see his fans as walking dollar signs. I mean, when he made fans wait for 2 hours at the O2 without even an apology on the night, I was appalled. If he really cared about them, he would’ve apologised straight away, not waited to be pounded by the press and angry parents before giving an official one. Gah!
  2.  Do you believe in God? No. I don’t believe that any God would allow horrible things to happen to innocent people. Please no hate, it’s just my opinion.
  3. If a person offered you £1 million to have sex with them and no one would ever know, no strings attached, would you do it? I’d like to say no, but it’s likely that I would. As long as they used protection, I’d be alright. God, I’m such a slut!
  4. Can you do tongue twisters like Peter Piper or She Sells Sea Shells? No. I can barely say normal sentences without getting confused and tongue-tied! I used to be able to, when I was about 10, but I’ve lost that skill since.
  5. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? I would say my weight, but technically, I can change that by cutting down my food and exercising more, so it doesn’t really count. I think I’ll say my hair. I love the colour (dark brown) and the length (about shoulder length) but I HATE the way it frizzes up at the slightest breeze. When I leave the house, it looks fabulous, but by the time I get to school, it looks like Hermione Granger’s from the first 2 Harry Potter films. It’s horrible.
  6. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you think you indulge in the most? That’s difficult! I don’t think it’s pride, because, though I am proud of my achievements (especially academically) I’m not unduly proud and I rarely gloat. The others, though, I am guilty of all of them, but I think I am most susceptible to lust. I lust after Darren Criss (as mentioned above), as well as many other celebrities and boys at school. But I don’t think it’s the most unhealthy thing to do, so I’m fine to do it, and I will likely carry on 🙂
  7. Proudest moment? Getting my GCSE results last summer. I was very nervous leading up to it, but I nearly cried with joy when I read my grades. 6 A*s, 5 As and a B. I was the joint second best in the school and I had my picture in the local paper and on the school website.
  8. Favourite toy as a child? My LEGO. I had a huge box of the stuff for my 8th birthday and I would literally spend hours at a time building just about everything, from houses for my other toys to spaceships. As I grew up, I started to get instructions online on how to build various awesome things, including a X-wing fighter from Star Wars and an owl, which looked scarily like Hedwig from Harry Potter (except I had to use blue bricks towards the end as I didn’t have enough white bricks left)
  9. Would you rather get a piercing or get a tattoo? Why? A tattoo. I really want to get a Deathly Hallows symbol on the inside of my right ankle. It would be so awesome. However, I doubt I’d be able to stand the pain, so it’ll probably never happen.
  10. How many vowels are in your full name? 8. Nicole (3) Gail (2) [Insert surname here] (3)
  11. Most views in one day on your blog? It was Monday’s blog, with 30 views. I was pretty pleased with that, since I am a very small blog 🙂

Finally, my questions:

  1. Do you consider yourself to be normal? Why or why not?
  2. Do you play video games? Are you a violent gamer or not?
  3. Have you ever been on Tumblr? What did you think?
  4. Do you have a favourite quote? Why do like it so much?
  5. Do you do any volunteering? If so, do you find it rewarding? If not, would you like to?
  6. Do you have a celebrity crush? Are you as obsessed with them as I am with Darren?
  7. Do you have a pet peeve? Why does it get on your nerves so much?
  8. Is there someone you would particularly like to meet? They don’t have to be famous!
  9. Have you ever read or written fanfiction?
  10. If you could marry any fictional character (from a film, book or TV programme) who would it be and why?
  11. Can you speak a foreign language? If not, would you like to learn one?

So, who will I be tagging?


Jeyna Grace

Thanks again to MMS for tagging me and I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me 🙂

May the Force be with you and DFTBA!


Too Many Fandoms?

5 Nov

Hello internet! On Wednesday, my mother asked me a question that I thought I’d share with you guys. “You are part of far too many fandoms, aren’t you?” My immediate answer was no, but later that day I had a proper think about it. Allow me to list my fandoms, to start off, and I’ll let you see what you think:

  • Harry Potter
  • Starkid
  • Glee
  • Dr. Who
  • Merlin
  • The Hunger Games
  • Nerdfighteria
  • Star Wars
  • Disney
  • Danisnotonfire
  • Charlieissocoollike
  • Adventure Time
  • Owl City

Is this too much? Maybe I should get out more… experience the world? But the thing is, I love being a fangirl; trawling Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and the general interwebs for pictures, interviews and information. Getting over-excited over small things, talking about them non-stop. I’ve even dreamt about some of them! As usual, your thoughts are welcome. Do you have any fandoms? Do you fangirl (or indeed fanguy)? Do you agree with my mother or me?

May the Force be with you and DFTBA